
Showing posts from July, 2018

Commitment for an Ecological Move: CO2 Charter

Cartons, transport, etc ... a move involves waste of course and the emission of CO2 as it is also the case in many human activities. You are committed to the environment?  What if you are considering an ecological move to limit your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment? An eco-responsible approach As part of the CO² charter, companies commit for a period of 3 years to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, including their fuel consumption.  It is a program proposed by the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, the Ministry of Transport and the ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency). The idea is, of course, to contribute to the fight against climate change and the improvement of the quality of life.  But that's not all.  It is also a question of reducing the energy consumption and thus allowing, in the long term, cost reductions.  We are in a virtuous circle for the planet and for man. How does the CO2 Charter work? After sign